Workshop Sessions

Workshop Proposals
The workshops are in-depth, interactive, hands-on sessions in the above listed topic areas. Proposals for workshops are evaluated by the technical committee.

Special Session Proposals
Proposals for organized sessions that address specialized or general topics on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology are encouraged. Once accepted, organizer(s) of the special sessions are responsible for the soliciting of relevant papers, which will be subjected to the same review process.
i-CREATe 2023
Workshop Session Instructions
Submission Deadline: To be informed
i-CREATe Workshops signify high-caliber education and audience participation. i-CREATe workshops distinguish themselves in the field because the presenters work to make the learning experience: innovative, interdisciplinary, and informative Presenters aim to: 1. deliver current information, 2. have a well-organized structure that stimulates and facilitates learning and 3. hold a tightly moderated discussion period that empowers the participants to drive and direct their own continuing education experience.
The workshop sessions can be conducted in a variety of formats, including: a single speaker, panel of speakers, hands-on demonstrations, audience-driven show & tells and other types of creative methods of information exchange. Each workshop must include a visual component (such as a PowerPoint presentation), a hands-on or demonstration component where possible (i.e. in the Practice Track), handouts and at least a 15-minute, well-moderated discussion period. These requirements answer feedback from attendees who report that the most important elements to a good AT conference session are: 1. becoming involved through audience Q/A-discussion and 2. Seeing and experiencing the technology for them.
Proposals will be reviewed by the Program Committee. An individual rating form (100 points possible) will be completed for each proposal. Review scores will reflect missing, incomplete or unclear materials.
- Abstract is clearly written and thoroughly summarizes the session content and learning objectives. (20 points)
- Proposal is thorough and at least three (3) concrete, measurable learning objectives are clearly stated. (20 points)
- Subject matter is timely and/or presents good opportunity for cross-discipline involvement/interaction. (20 points)
- Session structure and organization are clearly defined and time allotted is appropriate to the proposed material. (20 points)
- Presenters have sufficient expertise and knowledge of the subject matter. (20 points)
Proposals should be arranged in the following order:
- Cover Page / Session Profile
- Session Proposal Outline
- Presenter Information
- Audio-Visual Form
ALL proposals must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY in RICH TEXT FORMAT (RTF).
Proposals must be received at the i-CREATe office ON or BEFORE to be informed. All proposals MUST INCLUDE the attached application materials. Incomplete proposals and those received after the deadline will be returned to the Principal Organizer without being reviewed. Proposals may be SUBMITTED in the i-CREATe 2022 website or
Presenters should receive notification indicating their acceptance or rejection status by to be informed. Specific reviewer feedback on the Proposal, which may include critique and suggestions for improvement, will also be sent at this time. All notification materials will be sent to the Principal Organizer, who will be responsible for disseminating the information to his / her co-presenters.
Accepted Workshops will be scheduled for presentation during the regular 2-day conference program within the designated Tracks. The full conference schedule will not be completed until the scientific paper submittal and review process has been completed. Presenters of accepted Workshops should expect to receive notification indicating the DATE and TIME of their session by to be informed. This allows over time for planning travel accommodations. If presenters have special scheduling needs or restrictions, please advice us immediately so that we may do our best to accommodate everyone’s needs.
Presenters may appeal the decision of the Review Committee by contacting the i-CREATe office, Subject Line: Appeals. The i-CREATe staff will then coordinate a review with the respective Track Chair. All appeals must be received within 10 days of the presenter receiving the acceptance/rejection notification. Additional reviews, if deemed necessary, will be coordinated at that time.
Assistive Technology
- Augmentative and Alternative
- Communication (AAC)
- Blind / Low Vision
- Computer, Mobile Device and Web Access
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Environmental Control
- Mobility Aids
Rehabilitation Technology
- Cognitive Training and Assessments
- Brain Computer Interface
- Mixed Reality System
- Neurorehabilitation Technology
- Prostheses and Orthoses
- Robotics
Biomedical Science & Technology
- Stroke, Spinal cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Dementia
- Musculoskeletal Injury, Amputation, Respiratory Issues, Gait and Balance, Motor Control
- Geriatric Rehabilitation, Paediatric Rehabilitation
Social & lifestyle
- Building and Public Transport Accessibility
- Disable Sports and Leisure Activities
- Employment and Training
- Inclusive Community
- Public Policy and Service Delivery
- Special Education or submit on i-CREATe Website